Religion in Life for Younger Girls

A Program for Unitarian Universalist Junior or Cadette Girl Scouts

In this program, you will learn more about your own Unitarian Universalist faith and values. The program helps you to think about what the Girl Scout Law means and how the values of Girl Scouting relate to your religion. The program is organized into 12 parts, one for each of the 10 parts of the Girl Scout law, plus a beginning and a conclusion. Each part of the program has a few requirements you can fulfill.

Each requirement has three components:



 . . . asks you to complete a short exercise or find out something (research). For example, you might need to ask someone questions (an interview) or look up something in a book or on the Internet. There are Web links and hints here to guide you to resources. It is also okay if you use other sources for your research.



 . . . asks you to think about what you learned or experienced and then answer some questions.





 . . . gives you lots of options for showing what you learned and what you think about what you learned. You get to choose how to express yourself! For example, if you are asked to “explain” or “describe” or “list,” you could express yourself in many different ways:

Some girls like to collect their expressions in one place (such a notebook, folder, electronic folder, or box) so they can share them later.

Remember, whichever method of expression you choose, you don’t have to do it perfectly—this is not a school assignment. You also don’t have to have a super clear and definite answer for every question; it’s okay to hold a few different ideas at once, to have questions that lead to other questions, and to form your ideas as you express them. You can choose your method based on what you’re most comfortable with, what you enjoy the most, what you’d like to try, what fits a particular requirement well, or what fits your situation at the moment (for example, if you’re on a long car trip without a notebook, you might want to do a requirement by talking it out with the others in the car). You don’t have to use the same method every time, and you don’t have to do something different every time either. It’s up to you!

Use the Religion in Life for Girl Scouts Requirements Checklist to keep track of your progress. You can keep track on your computer or another electronic device, or print a paper copy of the form and keep it in a safe place. You can also print the paper version of the entire program (Word or PDF) and use the checkbox before each requirement as a check-off box and/or to scribble in dates as you plan.

MyPromFaith-120Girl Scouts of the USA has a program called My Promise, My Faith with a pin that can be earned each year by a Girl Scout. Girl Scouts of the USA encourages you to do your own religion’s program (Religion in Life) alongside the My Promise, My Faith program.

Sometimes you may complete a requirement for Religion in Life for Girl Scouts that can also meet one of the requirements for My Promise, My Faith. It is fine to take “credit” in both programs. The Religion in Life for Girl Scouts program points out places where this is likely to be the case. Watch for My Promise, My Faith buttons on the program pages.

YG_Diving In to the Program