FAQ for Younger Girls


What if I am not sure what a requirement means?

If you read a requirement and it seems to mean a couple of different things—one that is really hard and will take hours to do, and one that is more reasonable and quicker to accomplish—interpret it the more reasonable way! Ask your program advisor for help in making this decision; they have the final say on how to interpret a requirement.

What if I cannot do a particular requirement because of my circumstances?

You may find that you need to adjust a requirement because of your learning differences, learning preferences, ability differences, or other circumstances. That’s fine!  If you find yourself not just working but struggling, be sure to talk to your program advisor about how the requirements should be interpreted or adjusted so you can get the most out of the Religion in Life for Girl Scouts program.

What if I’ve already done a particular requirement?

As long as you completed a particular requirement at your current Girl Scouting level (i.e., Junior or Cadette) and the requirement is basically equivalent in content and in spirit, then count it as “done”! You might find that you have just done the Explore part in your religious education program or as part of something you learned at school; if so, count that part as “done” and move on to the Think and Express sections. If you’re not sure whether you’ve completed a requirement (or part of it) somewhere else, be sure to ask your program advisor, your parent or caregiver, or the Director of Religious Education at your congregation. The UUA’s online religious education materials can be helpful in figuring this out; try searching by keyword in the Tapestry of Faith programs.

If I work with others on this program, are there ways we can share the “work” of the requirements?

Yes! Although you will all need to Explore AND Think AND Express for every requirement, you can often share the Explore and Express tasks. For instance, you can split up the research tasks and share your findings with one another to complete the Explore part of the requirement. You can also do tasks together (for example, take a field trip together, or be a greeter team at Sunday services). There isn’t really a way of bypassing individual work for the Think sections, but thinking out loud together can make an activity more fun. And there are lots of ways to do the Express sections with other people—for example, have a group conversation, collaborate on a group art project, or perform a skit together.

Is it OK to work online? Must I be able to work online?

Although you will likely want look at the online program materials as you begin the program, you don’t have to be glued to your computer. You may choose to download the program and keep track of your progress on an electronic device or computer. You may prefer to print the paper version of the program to use as your working copy, then go back to the computer now and again to do Internet research or click on the links. You don’t need access to the Internet to get information. Print resources and other people are also good sources.

What if my family is not part of a Unitarian Universalist congregation?

Many of the Religion in Life for Girl Scouts requirements make reference to connecting with people in your congregation, but those requirements can be adapted to your situation. If you are doing this program with a group at a friend’s congregation, of course you can use that congregation as “your” congregation. You can also find a congregation close to you. Contact the minister and/or Director of Religious Education and have them point you toward resources in the congregation. Another possibility is the Church of the Larger Fellowship (CLF), a worldwide Unitarian Universalist “congregation without walls” which you can adopt as “yours” if you don’t already consider it your congregation. Note: Even if you are part of a local congregation, you are welcome to use the resources of CLF, such as the online sanctuary Quest for Meaning. CLF has great material for all ages, and Quest for Meaning has live Sunday services you can attend online. You can also combine the CLF resources with face-to-face, telephone, or other live contact with individual Unitarian Universalists you already know, including people in your own family.

How does the UUA’s Religion in Life for Girl Scouts recognition program relate to GSUSA’s My Promise, My Faith pin program?

The relationship between the UUA’s Religion in Life for Girl Scouts religious recognition program and GSUSA’s My Promise, My Faith pin program is described here.

What if I’m not a Girl Scout?

You do not need to be a registered Girl Scout or a member of a Girl Scout group or troop to complete the Religion in Life for Girl Scouts program, although it will likely be more meaningful to you if you are a Girl Scout. The program for younger girls is based on the Girl Scout Law, and the values and ideas expressed in the Girl Scout Law overlap with Unitarian Universalist values. Some requirements may refer to Girl Scout experience and heritage. You may learn something new about Girl Scouting while completing them.

What if a link takes me to a Unitarian Universalist religious education page with more activities on it? Do I also have to complete them?

Through this program, you’ll find links to stories and other materials on the UUA’s website. Some of these links will help you find, for example, a story you need for your Religion in Life for Girl Scouts program. If you follow a link and find a new page that includes activities for a religious education class, you don’t have to do the religious education activities to earn the Religion in Life for Girl Scouts emblem.

Next Page: Ready? Set. Go!